Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Perfect 10

Natty is going to hit the big one-oh. 10 months. It seemed like yesterday that she was just a tiny little baby who could only sit and say gibberish. Oh right, that was yesterday, and the last 2 months for that matter. She is still under 14 pounds and just a little over 2 feet in length. She is trying to compensate for those meager measurements by having an enormous head in proportion to her body. Just kidding, Natty... you're perfect in our eyes.

Mother's and Father's Day have come and gone. As first time parents, we took special pride in these two holidays although we didn't go over the top in celebrating. It will be nice when Natty is old enough to genuflect before our parental majesty but until that day comes, we are in total servitude to her. For now, she is a pretty low-maintenance infant. She cries only when she is tired or left in a room alone. She's not very discriminant about who is in the room with her as long as someone is there. Little by little, she is becoming more forceful about the things she wants but those who have spent some time with her often remark about how "easy" she is. It won't last, we know. But it's wonderful in the meantime.

In other developmental news, she does NOT:
  • crawl

  • stand with help

  • sit herself up

  • have teeth

She does:

  • stay in a seated position
  • laugh at our silliness

  • like to splash in the tub

  • eat lots of fruit

  • babble like a Pentecostal
  • scratch at everything and everybody near her

We introduced Natty to our friends' dog, Piper. Piper is a female pug and when she got up in Natty's grill, Natty freaked like Julia Stiles did when Matt Damon put a gun up to her noggin in the Bourne Supremacy. Piper could have been on fire and sprouted tentacles and I don't think Natty could have been more scared. Since then, though, we've been trying to get her comfortable being around our friends' dogs. She felt pretty comfortable with this one:

Maybe it's because all pugs look like they've been victims of those exploding cigars you see in cartoons.

We've begun preparations for Natty's 1st birthday party. It will be on the afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 13, at a park in Temple City. Hopefully the temperature will be below 110 degrees.

Enjoy your summer!

1 comment:

=)Bnpositive said...

Cute looking kid! Thanks for stopping by my site and seeing the pugs.