Monday, September 17, 2007

She's here!

Natalie was born on September 6, 2007. She weighed only 4 pounds, 11.8 ounces and was 17.5 inches long.

Sunny and I had checked into Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena at 5:30am that morning. Natalie's due date was actually today but all her ultrasounds indicated that she was a tiny baby and our doctors decided that inducing early would give Natalie the better chance for development, especially since Sunny's morning sickness was lasting her whole pregnancy. Yep, a lot of the food that was intended for little fetus Natalie was actually being flushed away.

After some
Pitocin, a welcome epidural, and maybe 45 minutes of pushing, Natalie was out and crying.
Ok, that's not entirely accurate. Sunny did push for a relatively short time but she had some help. Our OB-GYN attached a vacuum to the top of Natalie's head to help pull her out. And I won't describe the use of scissors.

Everything seemed perfect. Natalie was healthy, just underweight. Sunny and I were sharing tears of joy (and relief). I wish the story would stop here but it doesn't. A lot more tears would have to be shed before the day was over, and not the happy kind.

But this post will end on a happy note: Natalie is here!

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